Keith’s Liquor Picks for March!
Stronachie 10yr: A scotch you have not tried! But you need to because it is quite tasty. Light and lean but quite interesting.
Tullabardine Burgundy: An excellent Scotch that has been aged in Burgundy wine barrels and is totally unique but delicious.
Kirk and Sweeney 23: This rum really delivers. One of the smoothest and best tasting rums I have ever had.
Poli Cleopatra: The best Grapa I have ever had. Not impressed? You should be because this guy drinks a lot of everything and it is not so easy to make me sit up and take notice.
Poli Blueberry: In my ongoing quest to seek out every awesome tasting item on this planet, I have found the most amazing blueberry spirit.
Gran Centenario Hibiscus: This is hibiscus infused tequila is great straight but also makes a great margarita.
The Quiet Man: A new Irish that is very tasty and smooth. Always on the lookout for new whiskey’s and this is one that is worth having.
Fundador: There are few things I love more than finding an item that over delivers on quality. This Brandy is much better than its price would indicate. A must have.
The Dubliner Liqueur: What if someone melted Werthers into a liquid? It would taste like this and be delicious.
Zwack: This Hungarian herbal liqueur is a tastier alternative to Jaeger or Fernet Branca.
Deals! Covington Vodka from North Carolina marked wayyyyyy down. Supplies limited. Comes in both 1.75 and 750.